Classic keychain

Keychain / charm

Leather craft DIY class  /  Keychain / charms  /  Classic keychain

極簡俐落的皮革鑰匙圈,回歸植鞣革最純粹的美好。課程中您可自在的選擇字母及壓花工具, 打造個人獨特風格。本活動適合兒童體驗、親子同樂。

Note: This class is an add-on option (e.g., purchasing the coin pouch class with an additional keychain). If you only wish to experience the keychain, the minimum order quantity is 2 per person (no limit for group activities, please call for details).
  • Reminder: The leather pieces are pre-cut, making it easy for beginners to get started. You’ll be able to customize with stamping patterns and text, punch holes, and stitch. You can take home your finished piece on the same day.

Class fee: NT$ 300

Color options

Leather stamping is so much fun!

Variety of stamping patterns, putting your name on the leather, making it unique.

Perfect for beginners and groups, stamping and stitching. Friendly teaching makes it easier to succeed.

Important notes for the class

Important Notes:

Make a reservation now!